Get Ultimate Physique With These Amazing Shoulder Workouts!

Today I’m going to show you how to get the ultimate physique in 2022 right from home just using a pair of dumbbells and your own body weight.


But if you don't have a pair of dumbbells you can always find something to lift like two jugs of water or anything that you can find around your house.


Now of course you want to train all the muscles in your body to have balance and symmetry throughout your body. But to really get the ultimate physique you want to make sure that you're properly stimulating and strengthening your deltoids to get that upside-down triangle v-taper shape.


Sadly, a lot of people neglect, skip, or just don't put as much emphasis or effort into their shoulder workouts. Or they just tag some shoulder exercises to the end of another workout which is not going to give you enough energy or time to properly build your shoulders so they hold the misconception that they just don't need to work their shoulders as much so just like you prioritize your chest and your back you have a specific dedicated chest day and back day.


You want the same thing for your shoulders as well as they are basically the biggest muscle group in your upper body on average. They are the third-largest muscle group in your body just after your glutes and your quads. By strengthening and building your shoulders you can directly strengthen your chest and back allowing you to lift heavier and build more muscle mass throughout your entire upper body.


So if you want to build your shoulders increase your muscle mass and get the ultimate physique then today's workout routine is going to be perfect for you.




Pike Push-Ups:

Pike push-ups, unlike common push-ups, work primarily work the anterior deltoids (front shoulder) and the triceps, which are the main executors of the movement through shoulder flexion and elbow extension.


The secondary muscles will be the upper pectorals that are less involved in shoulder flexion, the trapezius, and serratus muscles that are activated to give stability to the scapulae during the exercise and the abdomen as in almost all calisthenics exercises.

That is why we must consider pike push-ups a shoulder exercise such as a military press or a handstand push-up.





WIDE SHOULDER PRESS or Overhead Shoulder Press:


The wide shoulder press or overhead shoulder press as the name suggests involves pressing the weight over the head. It is also known as the military press. It is an amazing upper body lift that impacts the deltoids and muscles of the rotator cuff along with the core, traps, triceps, and biceps.


Dumbbell Front Raise:


This workout targets the anterior deltoids also known as the front part of the shoulders.


This exercise requires lifting weight directly towards the front of the body.


It focuses on strengthening the muscles located in the upper part of the torso, such as the shoulders, mainly, the lats, the trunk, and the arms.


Reverse Planche Leans:


Whereas dumbbell front raises target the front part, reverse planche leans workout to target the rear shoulders. It is basically a highly arched handstand with full shoulder flexion.


Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly:


The rear delts are one of the key muscles in the upper body, although they are neglected and trained incorrectly.

The best way to train your rear delts is using the dumbbells fly.


Lateral Raises:


The lateral raises help you get bigger and stronger shoulders. While most workouts involve the front and rear deltoid to grow, the lateral raise directly targets the shoulder to give that v-tapered look.


View These Entire Workouts on my YouTube Channel or Thenx App


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