Today we're going to be doing a workout to strengthen our lower backs and reduce or even eliminate lower back pain. We're going to be doing this entire routine with just our body weight so you can do this anywhere. Lower back pain is very common and the cause for this are very common such as injury to your back, having a weak lower back or weak muscles surrounding the lower back or even a sudden movement without warming up properly. Here are some exercises that going to treat and reduce your lower back pain as well as strengthen your lower back. (CHECK OUT THIS FULL VIDEO TO DO THESE WORKOUTS FOR BACK PAIN) Glute Bridge (40 Seconds): Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders at the top of the exercise. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds, squeezing your buttocks as much as possible, and lower yourse...